Monday, August 14, 2017


Truth to be told, someone used to made these post specially for me at his blog. A nice tips that I think might be beneficial to others. 

#10 Listening to Sad Music

Do you listen to sad music because you are miserable, or are you miserable because you listen to sad music? Avoid falling into the trap of melting into melancholy songs because you find it relatable, you will only amplify the grief and begin to find comfort in it.

#9 Tracking Them Down
Social media has made this really difficult. Knowing you can check up on what your ex is up to with the click of a mouse is a temptation our parents never had to deal with. It will only make you paranoid and turn you into a Facebook private-detective with each analysis of “Likes,” “Pictures,“ and “Posts.”  While you’re at it, erase them from your phone .

#8 Staying Home
Hibernating isn’t good. Force yourself out, call your friends, reconnect with old friends, go out and do whatever you find fun.  Staying at home alone while you surround yourself with their things will only take you deeper down the rabbit-hole. It can seem excruciating to do, a tiresome long crawl into the shower and your closet that seems pointless, but it isn’t, get up, get out there among the world .

#7 Under or Over Eating.
The world is divided into two kinds of people; those who start over-eating when they break-up, and those who start under-eating.  Avoid both, remember to take care of yourself, no one else will, not anymore.

#6 Not Doing Things Because They Remind You of Your Ex.
It’s common to stop doing things that might remind you of your ex. Living within boundaries forged by your old relationship will stop you from moving on. Don’t stop eating bagels because they liked bagels, they breathe too, don’t they?  If there was a coffee shop you liked, don’t stop going because you went there with your ex, go with your friends and own it. It’s your world, not someone else’s.

#5 Expect a Grand Romantic Gesture to Make Everything Better. 
This only happens in movies, in most cases, when someone breaks up with you, they simply want out. And trying your heart out to get them back only alienates them further and makes them feel you’re not respecting their decision. When a relationship truly ends there’s rarely is a magic cure, and you’re only setting yourself up for more heartbreak. 

#4 Freaking Out If They Start Seeing Someone Else.
Easier said than done, but it WILL happen. Digest it, power through it. They will do the same things that they did with you with their new person. People will tell you that it doesn’t make your relationship together any less special, but yes, it does, accept that. Give that fact a sober assessment and know it to be true. The sooner you accept this reality, the sooner it won’t bother you.

#3 Feeling That You Are Alone.
Believe it or not, people love you. Don’t freeze out the people that care for you when they want to be there for you to talk, listen, or hang out. Find solace in your friends and family. If you don’t have any of these, well, that’s messed up. In that case buy a cat .

#2 Keep Your Ex On a Pedestal.
Your ex wasn’t perfect. A funny thing about rejection is that you forget your ex’s annoying traits and amplify their good ones. You are not the keeper of their flame nor the protector of their honor, you are not a knight, and it isn’t your job anymore.  Knock them off their pedestal.

#1 Think You Are Going to Die Alone.
There is no such thing as soul-mates. There is no one person for you. You will eventually let someone into your weird little life again. You will love, whether you like it or not. Nobody is perfect; the trick is finding someone who is perfect for you, a person who makes you laugh and feel again, a person that will stand by you no matter what, and a person who makes you feel whole. Keep your mind and your heart open and who knows? A miracle might be right around the corner.

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